Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services (BDAS) takes great pride in the accuracy and efficiency of our work. At BDAS, we do a lot more than just produce results. Our knowledge and experience are the result of years of analytical testing.
Our experienced and qualified staff at BDAS offers recommendations for the most appropriate type of alcohol content testing for your wine. We provide fast, accurate information that you can use to make informed decisions and, ultimately, create a better product. Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services (BDAS) stands ready to answer all your questions concerning wine alcohol content, but our expertise covers much more. We’re passionate about the science associated with winemaking. Alcoholic beverages like wine are subject to numerous regulations and standards. To meet these requirements, wine alcohol content must be analyzed by a professional accredited laboratory, such as BDAS.
To know the actual alcohol content of wine, two readings are most important at Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services (BDAS); original and final extract. One reading must be taken before the wine fermentation has begun and the other reading is taken after fermentation is complete. When the two readings are compared together, the result will define the alcohol content of the wine. Pure natural wines are typically under 12.5% alcohol by volume (ABV), with a few wines as low as 9%. Fortified wines can be as high as 20% and need to be distilled to accurately determine ABV after the fortifying spirit has been added, as this raises the alcohol content – halting fermentation and leaving residual sugars behind – making traditional calculations impossible.
It is important that wine be properly tested to accurately report alcohol content. In our quality control testing at BDAS, we analyze alcohol by volume (ABV). ABV testing is a measure of the alcohol content in a specific volume of a beverage. Distillation is a popular technique for measuring wine alcohol content. This test determines how many milliliters of ethanol are present in 100 milliliters of a liquid. Another technique is the gas chromatography method, the most accurate method for determining alcohol content. This method works by analyzing a mixture of organic compounds and then running them through the column of a chromatograph device. The temperature of the device is important and must be above boiling in order to convert the liquid into gas. The gas then passes through a detector that identifies the different compounds, ultimately determining the alcohol content.
Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services (BDAS) has developed into an industry-recognized leader in the provision of independent, impartial, and accredited laboratory testing. Our capability and commitment to providing fast, accurate, and reliable results, accompanied by unequalled service and great support, creates the backbone of a seamless and satisfying customer experience for our clients.
For more information about wine alcohol content testing at Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services (BDAS), contact us in Lexington, Kentucky at (859) 278-2533 or in Denver, Colorado at (720) 450-7066.