Beer Caloric Content


Beer is typically free of cholesterol and fat. 12 ounces of a typical lager beer has fewer calories than 12 ounces of 2 percent milk or even apple juice. Some lower-alcohol beers have even fewer calories. To know the exact beer caloric content, Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services (BDAS) provides accurate testing using industry standard methods. Our up-to-date instrumentation and analytics help us to calculate the carbohydrates, calories, and alcohol content of the beers that we test.
Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services (BDAS) has a wide array of analytical testing instruments to address any questions or concerns you might have. Located in Lexington, KY and Denver, CO, BDAS has over 20 years of experience as a chemical testing lab. This enables us to select the correct analytical approaches and generate accurate data. We offer comprehensive alcohol caloric content testing for beer. Our chemists are Tax & Trade Bureau (TTB) certified and participate in proficiency testing to remain in compliance by the certifying body. BDAS offers a wide range of services for beverage manufacturing that extend beyond beer to also include wine, distilled spirits, ciders, seltzers, and mixed drinks.
A lager beer has about 140 to 150 calories in a bottle. The higher the alcohol and sugar content, the more calories. Light beers and seltzers often have a lower calorie target, around 100 calories per can. Barrel aged stouts (higher alcohol content) and beers containing fruit puree (higher sugar content) can have a much higher calorie content than standard lagers. The industry can estimate, with good confidence, the calories of a standard product. However, the more a product differs from a standard style, the more difficult it is to predict the alcohol and calorie content. BDAS can assist in accurately determining the alcohol and caloric content.
We provide complete quality analysis of your beer at Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services (BDAS). This allows you to control every element of your beer. Basic testing can include:
• ABV (%)
• Calories (Kcal/serving)
• Original & Final Gravity (SG & Plato)
• Real Extract (Plato)
• Degrees of Fermentation (ADF/RDF)
• pH
• Color (SRM)
Additional testing is offered, including microbiological testing, nutritional testing, product stability testing, and extended shelf-life study testing.
Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services (BDAS) offers standalone testing with consultation and troubleshooting services. Each brew has a different story. A few extra pounds of a darker malt. A transfer gone wrong. With BDAS you can get meaningful results quickly. Whether the analysis by BDAS is to be chemical, physical or microbiological, the sample must be representative of the batch or lot of beer to be examined. Analytical data on a sample of beer reflects only the sample obtained. Where microbiological examination is to be made, special precautions must be taken to avoid contamination. Any small change in ingredients will require another round of testing to validate all nutritional information. To avoid additional costs and delay, it is recommended to only order a nutritional test once all your product details are finalized.
For more information about our beer caloric content testing capabilities at Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services (BDAS), contact us in Lexington, Kentucky at (859) 278-2533 or in Denver, Colorado at (720) 450-7066.